
Henne in Councys – The Forme of Cury 1390

This was redacted for the Virtual cooking challenge #1 – Capouns in councy XXIL – The Forme of Cury which was posted on the SCA Virtual Classroom and Artisan Display. Sylvie’s redaction of Capouns in Councys XXII 1 whole chicken4 cups chicken broth, divided2-3 thick slices of french bread¼ tsp table salt¼ tsp powder fort (black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, mace,…

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To make hypocras, tie 1/2 oz of hippocras powder up in some linen. Add this and 8 oz sugar to 1 bottle of wine ($2 chuck Merlot in this case). Soak for a while (1 hr to 1 month). Filter this into a bottle. Serve hypocras mixed 1:1 with water. Note: This recipe was given to me by Heidi from…

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Hippocras powder

Hippocras Powder (loosely from Le Viandeir de Taillevent based on Heidi’s reading).6 oz powdered cinnamon,1 oz powdered ginger,1/12 oz ground nutmeg. Mix together and store in a glass jar. This mixed with sugar is “Duke’s Powder” This is a 6oz glass jar from Olde Thompson which originally contained black peppercorns. I got it from Safeway. Looks like you can still…

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Book Nerding

Book Nerding: “Woven into the Earth” and “Medieval Garments Reconstructed”

Looking through “Woven into the Earth” and “Medieval Garments Reconstructed” Amazon links. Woven into the Earth: Medieval Garments Reconstructed: These are primarily about clothing from Greenland but there is helpful information about continental and earlier styles. DISCLAIMERS First, This is a very stressful time. Everyone deals with it differently and no one stress-reliever is right for everyone. Once…

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Book Nerding

Book Nerding: The Tudor Tailor

Looking through “The Tudor Tailor” Amazon link: This is primarily about British clothing. It’s also useful for France and the Netherlands. Italy and Southern German styles are very different. DISCLAIMERSFirst, This is a very stressful time. Everyone deals with it differently and no one stress-reliever is right for everyone. Once your life basics are covered (food, shelter, income) you…

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Tent Insulating Layer

We camp in a Panter Regent (which are fabulous you should totally get one). The regent is made of white canvas. Normally it’s not a big issue but at really hot events (like June Crown events that regularly happen at 100F+) the white canvas does not cast as deep a shadow as I’d like. In fact the sun is still…

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14th-15th Century, kirtle

Burgundy wool cotte with cut-on bodice

Burgundy wool long-sleeved cotte with cut-on bodice started 11/6/2019. Paused for a while. Picked back up 1/8/2020. First worn 1/25/2020. Not yet finished (still needs lining in the body). INSPIRATION IMAGES: Details: – This cotte will be constructed of burgundy summer weight wool interlined in the bodice with one layer of white heavier weight linen (4C22) and then with the…

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SCAMythMonday: Being “taken seriously” as a fighter

Myth: If you are a fighter and you want to be “taken seriously” as a fighter you cannot pursue non-fighting things outside of fighting.Things which are okay: making armor, making shields, painting shields, chessThings which are not okay: sewing, embroidery, cooking, weaving, Fact: This one is hard. I want this to be an utterly bullshit myth. But I look at…

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