Waisted Kirtle

The Blood Red Linen Kirtle that wasn’t

Blood (Beet) Red linen waisted kirtle started 4/12/2022. Never going to be finished. Mama needs a new kirtle. It turns out stressing and sheltering in place for two years ran riot with my diet. So now all my old clothes don’t fit (except for my really really old clothes.. which I don’t want to wear).. so new clothes it is.…

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Image Review

“Marketenderin un Troßbube” ca 1534-1562

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, VSolis AB 3.123Marketenderin und Troßbube (Sutler and horseman) 1534-1562 Zoomable Image: http://kk.haum-bs.de/?id=v-solis-ab3-0123 What I see:The German word “marketender” translates to sutler and the -in suffix denotes a female. A sutler is a person who follows an army and sells provisions to the soldiers. “Tross” means baggage train and bube translates as either boy or jack. I…

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16th Century

Simple Hemd (shirt)

White linen hemd for Erik started 2/7/2024. Finished 2/24/2024. Details: – white linen hemd(shirt) – slightly-longer-than-hip length – narrowed at shoulders to bring seam to just below point of shoulder – open neckline (no collar) big enough to pull over head – slits on the side, (possibly center back and center front). – slightly tapered sleeves with small gussets –…

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Image Review

“The Woodcutter” ca 1530-1562

British Museum, 1874,0711.1888“Series: Twelve soldiers of different ranks”, Print made by: Virgil Solisca. 1530-1562 Museum link: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_1874-0711-1888 A soldier with an axe; over his right shoulder; whole-length figure seen from behind, the head in profile to right; at left a tent; from a series of twelve engravings of lansquenets. What I see:Woodcutter’s axWoodcutter’s hat (see Truly Carmichael’s howto and Amazon…

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Viborg Shirt

Resized Viborg Shirt

Resized Viborg shirt pattern work started on September 4, 2022. Sewing started on September 20, 2022. Initially finished on October 6, 2022. Neck hole re-done and finished again on November 29, 2022. Details: – light weight linen – Pattern based on the Viborg shirt – sized to fit an adult modern man – completely hand-sewn For literally years I’ve been…

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Fuzzy Hat

By request, here’s the pattern I use for my fuzzy hats. The hats are plausibly period but not based on any real research. I did see what looks like a fuzzy hat on the head of a Bulgar in an image from Vat.gr.1613, “Menologium Basil ii” in image 345. Other images I’ve commented on are in this post. Cut out…

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16th Century, Ottoman

Pretty Pretty (Murder-y) Peacock Prince

In May 2022 my very good friend Helga won the Coronet for the Principality of the Mists in the West (Bay Area California) by her own hand (this happened to be the same Mists Coronet where I became a member of the Order of the Pelican). I was sad that my family is now living so far away (South Carolina)…

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Accessories, Antwerpen, Knitting

Red Brimmed Thrum Cap

(I actually finished this in May 2019 but realized that I’d never hit publish on the blog post). After my first thrummed cap I decided I wanted something a bit different. The first cap did not have a brim. It was also thrummed during the knitting (fiddly) and I felt that at 6″ the thrums were too long. Lastly after…

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SCAMythMonday: Only knights are allowed to wear chains

Myth: In the SCA, only knights are allowed to wear unladen chains. Fact: This is true. (Oh! Did you see all of those feathers ruffle?)According to SCA laws and precedents circular chains of all colors (that is, any color of chain made with open links that does not have a clasp and that does not have a medallion/charm) are reserved…

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