Green Garlic Sauce
155. Green Garlic [Sauce].
Taillevent, p. 47.
Crush garlic, bread and greens, and steep together.
[Note: this is in a section titled “How to make unboilded sauces.” So “steep” can’t mean boil.]
Forme of Cury.
Take parsel. mynt. garlek. a litul serpell [2] and sawge, a litul canel. gyngur. piper. wyne. brede. vynegur & salt grynde it smal with safroun & messe it forth.
[1] Verde. It has the sound of _Green-sauce_, but as there is no Sorel in it, it is so named from the other herbs.
[2] a litul serpell. Wild thyme.
Menagier de Paris.
For Birds Or Beef. Grind a clove of garlic and white untoasted bread-crumbs, and soak in white verjuice; and if you want it green for fish, grind in some parsley and sorrel or one of these or rosemary.
Sylvie’s Redaction:
2 bottles of pre-pureed garlic
3 bunches of fresh parsley
2 cups apple cider vinegar>
Use food processor on parsley until it’s very finely chopped. Mix with garlic. Add vinegar.
When shopping I found that pre-pureed garlic was cheaper than the same amount of unprocessed garlic. Less work is good.
One of the bunches of garlic was also used to color the leach.
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