
Citrus Sauce

Citrus Sauce
To boile a Capon with Orenges and Lemmons
The Good Huswifes Jewell
Take Orenges or Lemmons pilled, and cutte them the long way, and if you can keepe your cloves whole and put them into your best broth of Mutton or Capon with prunes or currants and three or fowre dates, and when these have beene well sodden put whole pepper great mace, a good piece of suger, some rose water, and eyther white or claret Wine, and let al these seeth together a while, and so serve it upon soppes with your capon.

Sylvie’s Redaction:

4 cups lemon/lime juice
1 tsp whole cloves
2/3 cups currants
1 cup whole seeded dates
2 tsp peppercorns
2/3 cup sugar
2 cups white wine
2 cups water

Take the meat/juice of the lemons and limes from the candied fruit peel recipe and combine that with cloves, currants, dates. Boil until it’s all mushy and the dates disintegrate. Add peppercorns, sugar, white wine and water. Let it sit overnight. Strain out everything solid and serve.

For the feast I had a bunch of lemon/lime juice/meat from making the candied citrus peels. I wanted to use that somewhere and a sauce seemed to be the best bet. I wish I’d left out the lime juice. The sauce was a little bit more bitter than I would have liked.

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