16th Century, Antwerpen, Sewing, Tayloring

Fixing fit problems: Armseye

One of the nice things about following more period correct methods of construction (ie, the methods laid out The Modern Maker series of books) is that the methods lend themself really well to alterations. That is, without very much fuss at all I can fix a fit issue (or make a garment fit someone else) without having to completely de-construct…

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Tailoring Manuals

Ausberg/Innsbruck (Austria) 1544/68 Hans Nidermayr, the younger of Innsbruck, 1544/68, Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum F.B. 4240. (Poland) Polish Tailor’s Cutting Guide from Germany, Breslau 1567, AC 1992.243.1. (link) (Italy) 1570 The Milanese Tailor’s Handbook, written in the 1570s, (Amazon)(link) Seville (Spain) 1588 manuscript of Diego de Freyle, Geometria y Traca Para el Oficio de los Sastres, Seville, 1588. (Link to…

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Stitches & Seams, Tayloring

Taylor’s Thimble

“Goals. Someday I want my garb to hang like a well made suit.” – Posted by me on Facebook Feb. 5, 2017. Thank you eBay. Stupid things that make me absurdly happy. 1600-1700 brass open top thimble From Seventeenth-Century Women’s Dress Patterns(p. 9): The tailor Contemporary sources demonstrate that tailors needed relatively little equipment to set up a workroom. In…

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