Image Review

“The Woodcutter” ca 1530-1562

British Museum, 1874,0711.1888“Series: Twelve soldiers of different ranks”, Print made by: Virgil Solisca. 1530-1562 Museum link: A soldier with an axe; over his right shoulder; whole-length figure seen from behind, the head in profile to right; at left a tent; from a series of twelve engravings of lansquenets. What I see:Woodcutter’s axWoodcutter’s hat (see Truly Carmichael’s howto and Amazon…

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Image Review

Joachim Beuckelaer, “Allegory of Negligence” ca. 1563

KMSKA Antwerp, Joachim Beuckelaer, “Allegory of Negligence” ca. 1563 Zoomable Image: I updated the date on this entry to specifically 1563 because I see that written on the end of the wood piece the man is using to prop up his leg. The museum link did not list a date so MMV. Context:Keep in mind that the painting is entitled “Allegory…

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