Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, VSolis AB 3.123Marketenderin und Troßbube (Sutler and horseman) 1534-1562 Zoomable Image: http://kk.haum-bs.de/?id=v-solis-ab3-0123 What I see:The German word “marketender” translates to sutler and the -in suffix denotes a female. A sutler is a person who follows an army and sells provisions to the soldiers. “Tross” means baggage train and bube translates as either boy or jack. I…
Category: Image Review
“The Woodcutter” ca 1530-1562
British Museum, 1874,0711.1888“Series: Twelve soldiers of different ranks”, Print made by: Virgil Solisca. 1530-1562 Museum link: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_1874-0711-1888 A soldier with an axe; over his right shoulder; whole-length figure seen from behind, the head in profile to right; at left a tent; from a series of twelve engravings of lansquenets. What I see:Woodcutter’s axWoodcutter’s hat (see Truly Carmichael’s howto and Amazon…
Joachim Beuckelaer, “Allegory of Negligence” ca. 1563
KMSKA Antwerp, Joachim Beuckelaer, “Allegory of Negligence” “Brothel Scene”ca. 1563 Updated link to zoomable Image: https://vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/en/collection/858 [Edited in 2025 to add: I originally spotted this image on the Google ArtsAndCulture site.. but it disappeared. On the Google link it was called “Allegory of Negligence”. In January 2025 I found this image on the FlemeshArtCollection site. It’s listed as being on display…