
Quick&Dirty Peri-oid tunic

This is my pattern for tunics, chemise, dresses. Whatever. Medevial-oid and tons better than a T-tunic or some silly “trace around your t-shirt patterns”. Sometimes called an R-tunic or “rectangular tunic.” This pattern uses gussets and gores. Love love love gussets and gores. I started with a pattern from a period garment that placed a gore in the middle of…

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http://www.gryph.com/byzantine/dress.htm A Byzantine Shirt from Manazan Caves, Turkey (8th century AD) (link)


Viking Woman

underdress: http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~hmg/lrp/kostyme/viking/v-k-underkjole.html food: http://www.sca.org.au/st_florians/university/library/articles-howtos/9-12C_Norse_Food_AR070604.htm The account of the Hedeby harbour finds has only been published in German [1]. The following article is an annotated summary of Inga Hägg’s report on the Trägerrock. The report was translated by Rachel Kellett, and the summary written by Shelagh Lewins. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/shelagh.lewins/shelagh/Hedeby_apron/Hedeby_apron.htm Overview of apron suppositions: http://www.dragonbear.com/text/VikingApronDress.doc


Viking Man

“Simple Viking Clothing for Men” http://thorsonandsvava.sccspirit.com/pdf_files/Viking_handout_men.pdf Viking men’s clothing: http://www.historiska.se/histvarld/eng/drakter/vherre/vherrefr.htm Viborg Shirt http://www.forest.gen.nz/Medieval/articles/Viborg/VIBORG.HTM Viking Coat: Nice pattern: http://woodshed.wccnet.org/projects/coat/Coat%20Documentation.htm http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~capriest/mensgarb.html The coat, also known as the “caftan” or “Rus riding coat,” may have been an explicitly eastern (Swedish/Rus) phenomenon. We have solid evidence of it only at Birka in the ninth and tenth centuries. It is a long coatlike overgarment, buttoned…

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Cotehardie Images

http://www.maisonstclaire.org/resources/skin_out/womenswear/womenswear_cotehardies.html http://www.geocities.com/ariedin/index.html


Quick&Dirty Peri-oid pants

This is it. This is my instructions for quick and dirty peri-oid pants that seem to fit everyone. Granted, I’ve only made about 4 pairs of these.. and each time I make a pair the pattern evolves a little bit… but they’re getting close to passible. They’re tons better than sweats and jeans.

Tudor: Henry VIII

Tudor: Henry VIII (1530’s)

Diary started October 21st 2005 Garb research in progress. Summary It all started so innocently. One day while gazing at my love I asked “honey, if I made you ‘Henry the 8ths’ for Twelfth Night, would you grow your hair out?’. My honey is a natural red head. I think he’d look stunning dressed like Henry VIII. After a short…

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