My first stab:
Rolf, relentless victor, triumph realized on the field, wreathed in laurel leaves, calls forward love. Aurora of shy smile stunned by victory to silence wears rose wreath with pride. Royalty of the West.
Three words from a cup: laurel, smile, forward.
My first ever Anglo Saxon (ala Beowulf) poem.
I don’t like the second half line.. “triumph realized on the field”. Realized is a very weak word to use for the alliteration.
Asside from that.. and the fact that it’s a tounge twister (you try saying “wears rose wreath” without slurring it into “wears wose weath”), it’s not bad.
My understanding of the rules of anglo saxon poetry:
Sentences are written as a collection of half lines.
Each half line has two main “booms”.
The “booms” of the first half-line are alliterations. They don’t rhyme but they have the same starting sounds. (Rolf Relentless, Laurel Leaves…).
One of the “booms” of the second half-line shares an alliteration with the two “booms” of the first half-line (Rolf Relentless-> Realized)
In the second half-line I would love an “r” word that meant victory. That way the “booms” read:
Rolf Relentless (r-word that means victorious)
laurel leaves, love
shy smile, silence
rose wreath, Royalty.
If I were a “BARD” (which I’m not) I’d tinker with it a lot more before publishing.. As an amateur with a faint grasp on the rules.. it’s adequate.