First course:
Venison with Furmenty (venison in gravy with a wheat berry side)
Capoun in Salome (Chicken in a saffron almond milk sauce)
Buttered Wortes (wilted greens in butter)
Pies de Payrse (Pork pies with currants, dates and cinnamon)
Soppes Dorrey (Onion Soup)
Second course:
Boublier of fresh Boar (Pork cooked in vinegar with spices (very very flavorful and tender))
Decorated Rice (Essentially rice pudding with cinnamon)
Sallet of many herbs and flowers (Green Salad with lots of herbs, decorated with rose leaves)(rose leaves are very tasty)
Last course:
Boars Head Soetlety (A “boar’s head” made of fruit cake and marzipan)
Pears in Wine (Pears cooked in red wine with syrup)
Some details:
We had 80 guests. We had 15 lbs of Venison, 28 lbs of chicken, 36 lbs of pork roast.. and 24 pies.
I took off Thursday and Friday from work, did all my shopping on Thursday and most of my prep on Friday. I had 7 people who helped me in the kitchen.
We sent out all of our courses on time.. and there was only one dish I wasn’t terribly happy about (the onion soup). All the other dishes were very tasty and seemed to please the feasters. Even the soup was “ok” but I know I could have done better. Next time I’ll use white wine and start by making an onion stock. The onions went out -very- purple from the red-wine.
Red-wine and onions (or pork flesh) do not go together. Use white wine instead.
Also, if you’re making cooked cabbage, use green OR red, don’t mix them. The red cabbage changed to a kind of interesting teal color.. which was tasty.. but off-putting.